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Jumat, 25 Maret 2016


One day me and my friends were getting together, it's our habit if being assembled by discussing various kinds of discussion. At the time were gathered together, I take the initiative to organize a vacation to someplace, and we agreed to to a place that is an umbrella Island located in the thousand islands. 
After we discuss to prepare holiday that day was suitable for our vacation, we agreed if it went Sunday on 7 February and returned home on Tuesday. we went with 10 people and travel begins by heading to the port of Muara Angke, Kali Adem, North Jakarta.
By using the ship's destination Island umbrella we depart very early because if more than 7 hours late it will be left behind the ship. And the journey begins, distance traveled to the island of umbrella about 2 to 3 hours, but had to stop at several islands used to be to lose passengers on a different island destination.
And finally we arrived at the island of umbrellas at 10 a.m., arriving there we are looking for an Inn, Villa for a few days.
After getting our villas rest not directly but first things done once there namely snorkel with finding a good spot for diving, using a small boat in the middle of the Lake of thousand islands snorkeling we did. The equipment is prepared very simple i.e. feet diving goggles, frogs and Crag seabed so beautiful Darling it feels to do briefly. After the dive is completed, then we went back to the Villa Inn for lunch with a menu of seafood delights.
Then it's time to rest for a moment, after which further performs other activities, namely photos in the afternoon while waiting for the sunset comes, I am so impatient to wait for the sunset time arrived. Many parts of the island a great umbrella for taking pictures, there was found a goodly length of footpaths to follow while taking a nice photo.
And finally the sunset ever came up with is so dazzling, truly beautiful views that afternoon though only briefly. But I am very satisfied and feel happy to be on this island with my friends. It continues today at night by doing a BBQ event, burn the thousand islands fishermen capture results such as crabs, fish, squid and shrimp.
Plus more strains of jazz music at night today with the weather, we were all very supportive of settlers gathered at one point with a burning bonfire so that our bodies are warm, while getting to know each other and greet with other visitors.
The show that night over and we returned to the Villa Inn to resume tomorrow morning again. Morning arrived and its time to complete sunrise, as well as the activities of the next day is the same as yesterday and we are very satisfied, thanks to the natural beauty of the mini is never tired of giving beauty to us.
The activities and the way we finished in 2 days on vacation, and then we came home and came in port of Muara Angke, Kali Adem. The nature place I have ever visited, there are still many places that I've visited this might be just one of the many vacation spots that already I've ever visited before, thank you because it has been allowed to post the results of my nature vacation, may be useful to you all.

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